Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Social Work: Stories from Nauru - How Could We Let This Happen? Ep. 34 Trauma, Refugees, PrisonSocial Work Stories Podcast12 May 2020Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, jail, incarceration, creativity, creative arts, prison, prison social work, refugees, manus island, Nauru, asylum seekers, detention, suicide
Blog Post - "A Day in the Life of My New Normal" - Lis Murphy (April 2020) COVID19, Disaster, Grief, Hospital Social Work, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast22 April 2020Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, advocacy, disability, covid19, coronavirus, pandemic, epidemic
Social Work and COVID-19: Reassigned to the Intensive Care Unit Ep. 31 COVID19, Disaster, Grief, Hospital Social Work, Social Work, Trauma, Vicarious TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast14 April 2020Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, advocacy, disability, covid19, coronavirus, pandemic, epidemic
Ep. 30 - Social Work and Vicarious Trauma: The Fear of it All Unraveling (w/ transcript) Grief, Hospital Social Work, Social Work, Trauma, Vicarious TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast31 March 2020Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, advocacy, disability, vicarious trauma, trauma, transference, compassion fatigue
Ep. 29 - Social Work and Group Work: Where the Magic Happens! (w/ transcript) Domestic Violence, Group Work, Grief, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast17 March 2020Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, youth, youth work, young people, teens, teenagers, youth services, family therapy, families, family, relationships, abortion, termination, womenshealth
Droughts and Flooding Rains - The Social Work Stories Podcast Ep. 27 Grief, Social Work, Trauma, DisasterSocial Work Stories Podcast11 February 2020Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, youth, youth work, young people, teens, teenagers, youth services, family therapy, families, family, relationships, bushfire, flood, drought, emergency, flooding, floods, disaster, loss
Learning About Dying: The Invisible String and Other Important Stories Ep. 26 Child Protection, Grief, Hospital Social Work, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast26 November 2019Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, advocacy, disability, child death
The Worst Scenario Possible - What Does the Social Worker Do? Ep. 24 Child Protection, Grief, Hospital Social Work, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast29 October 2019Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, advocacy, disability
Ep. 21 - Social Work in a Royal Commission Child Protection, Prison, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast3 September 2019Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, youth, youth work, young people, teens, teenagers, youth services, child protection, CPS, DOCS, FACS, DCJ, child protection social work, royal commission, child sexual abuse, historic abuse, australia
Leaving Violence - Finding the Power of Choice Ep. 18 Child Protection, Social Work, Trauma, Domestic ViolenceSocial Work Stories Podcast23 July 2019Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, youth, youth work, young people, teens, teenagers, youth services, family therapy, families, family, relationships, domestic violence, family violence, abuse
Social Work in a Maximum Security Prison: A Story of Creative Practice in Social Work Ep. 15 Grief, Group Work, Social Work, Trauma, PrisonSocial Work Stories Podcast21 June 2019Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, jail, incarceration, creativity, creative arts, prison, prison social work
An Antenatal Care Story: Happy Ending? Sad Ending? - You Decide. Ep. 13 Social Work, Hospital Social Work, Grief, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast24 May 2019Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief, antenatal
Miscarriage: A Disenfranchised Grief Ep. 11 Hospital Social Work, Social Work, Trauma, GriefSocial Work Stories Podcast14 April 2019Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, miscarriage, baby, prenatal, neonatal, pregnancy, loss, grief
The Dark Place: Working with a Suicide Caller. Ep. 10 Hospital Social Work, Social Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast1 April 2019Social work, self care, hospital social work, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, emergency, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, healthcare, trauma informed, emergency medicine, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech
Relationship - the Change Agent! Ep. 09 Youth Work, Social Work, Group Work, TraumaSocial Work Stories Podcast15 March 2019Social work, self care, social care, social, work, social worker, msw, community services, lcsw, therapist, wellness, social work student, trauma informed, bsw, sowk, podcast, social work podcast, swtech, community, group work, group therapy, youth, youth work, young people, teens, teenagers, youth services, family therapy, families, family, relationships